


Current Projects
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Contact Lisa

Tiddlywiki (TW) is an javascript based open source personal wiki that lives as a single html page, on a local hard drive, a thumbdrive, or on a server.

I tweaked TW to create TiddlyWikiWrite (TWW) to organize my current writing projects.  It is an electronic relational filecard system that runs in any browser window on your local computer. 

If you would like to see screen shots, please refer to the virtual workshop on using TWW posted on my blog.

You can also download a free e-book version of instructions and screenshots here on my scribd page.

I've provided the template here for free use and distribution.  If you do end up using it, please drop me a line and let me know what you think of it.  I'm always interested in improving it.

You can play with it 'live' online, but in order to save or edit any of it, you need to save the template to your own hard drive.  ("save as" and select simple html.)

The current version is based on TW core 2.5.0.  If you have an version older than 2.4.0, please see the instructions on upgrading to the latest code.  In versions 2.4.0 and beyond, you will be able to keep current with the new code directly from the program itself. (Click 'backstage' at the upper right corner, then 'upgrade' on the flyout menu across the top of the page.  Follow the program prompts.)

**Some folks have been having trouble downloading the file.  I think that is browser related.  Please email me if you are having difficulty and I can email the file.**


© Lisa Janice Cohen.   All rights reserved.