Short Stories
Sample Chapters
e-Book Creation
& Formatting Guide
Resources for Writers
Short Stories(Right
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The Road to Redemption
- mobi format (suitable for kindle)
- epub format (suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf file (suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
- mobi
format (suitable for kindle)
- epub format
(suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf file
(suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
- mobi
format (suitable for kindle)
- epub
format (suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf file
(suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
Thou Shalt Not
- mobi format (suitable for kindle)
- epub format (suitable for ibooks,
stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf
file (suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
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Chapter 1: Future Tense (Right click on your desired format below and 'save link as')
- mobi format (suitable for the kindle)
- epub format (suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, kobo, etc)
- pdf file (suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
Sample Chapters of THE BETWEEN (Right
click on your desired format below and 'save link as')
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(suitable for the kindle)
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format (suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf file
(suitable for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
Chapter 2
- mobi
format (suitable for kindle)
- epub format
(suitable for ibooks, stanza, nook, etc)
- pdf file (suitable
for reading off a computer/tablet, or printing)
of Page
e-Book Creation: A Guide
for Writers (version 2.0, revised February, 2014)
click on your desired format below and 'save link as')
- mobi format (suitable for the
- epub format (suitable for ibooks,
stanza, etc)
- pdf file (suitable for reading off
a computer/tablet, or printing)
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for Writers (Right
click on your desired format below and 'save link as')