LJ Cohen

Science Fiction. Fantasy. Assorted Weirdness.


Bluemusings: Revision Edition

The Great Revision Process
Many sticky-notes sacrificed their lives in this revision

This is the print out of the completed draft of the multiverse book. Last month, I did a slow read through and commented/marked all the places where changes needed to happen.

This month, I've started the process of actually implementing the changes I identified earlier. I suspect this phase will take me at least the next few months, but it's actually the part of the process I enjoy the most.

Like trimming when throwing pottery forms on the wheel, revision helps me find the story's sleek and balanced shape.

My target is to have it available for beta readers early in the new year.

Happy Book Birthday to The Severing Son
The Severing Son begins an exciting new fantasy series

I have known Vaughn Roycroft for the better part of a decade, after meeting him in 2014 during the first Writer Unboxed UnConference. A fellow writer of speculative fiction, I also bonded with Vaughn over his love of wild and quiet places and of dogs. 

He has worked tirelessly to bring this rich fantasy series to life with focus and dedication and I am thrilled to be able to share his debut.

Before I share the blurb and Vaughn's bio, I wanted to point you to this incredible review by prominent booktuber, Philip Chase, who called The Severing Son "One of the best self-published fantasies I've read." High praise, indeed and I hope you are persuaded to go out and get this book. (I'm waiting for my signed copy and can't wait to sink my teeth into it!)


About the Book:

Tales of the Bringer of Urrinan had been told for generations, but never had the prophecy felt so near to so many. Elan wasn’t sure if she even believed one man could cause the sort of upheaval that would change the world. And yet, just as the prophecy foretold, dark forces were on the rise—including the many Spali warbands raiding across the borderlands.

It was in pursuit of one such warband when Elan’s host discovered the hidden compound of the Outcast. She’d heard how the former chieftain of the mighty Amalus Clan had been unjustly accused of murdering his rival. How the conflict had begun over a woman. How the Outcast’s son—born of that same woman—perfectly matched the prophecy’s foretelling of the Bringer.

Prophecy aside, it seemed that fate had led Elan into the midst of a legend. Because of a choice made in the heat of battle, Elan found herself bound to an outlaw hunted by friend and foe alike. Whether she believed in the prophecy or not, she found herself entangled with a lone figure who vowed to seek the sort of upheaval that might just change the world.

Elan couldn’t help but wonder. Could Vahldan of the Amalus, son of the Outcast, really be the Bringer of Urrinan?


Available now in ebook (Amazon) and print (BN and Amazon)


About the Author:

Vaughn Roycroft has aspired to write epic fantasy since his sixth grade teacher gave him a boxed set of The Lord of the Rings. He has spent many years seeking to be worthy of telling this tale.

In addition to his fiction writing, Vaughn is also the Assistant Editor at Writer Unboxed.

He lives with his soul mate in a cottage they designed and built themselves, near their favorite Great Lakes beach. When he’s not writing, he’s often walking the woods and beaches, trying to keep up with his energetic black lab.

Where to Find Me
The glory of StarField Farm in Fall

Revising a novel when this is the view outside of my window isn't completely terrible. ;)

But I will be leaving my small slice of 'Rivendell' to attend Arisia this January. I hope to see you there.


I love to hear from readers! Let me know what you're reading and recommending or if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in future newsletters. 


LJ (lisa@ljcohen.net)