Blue Musings vol. 6, no. 4:  DATE April 25, 2016
Free e-Book Edition

Blue Musings

from LJCohen & Once in a Blue Muse

Book Giveaway

TIME AND TITHE is free on kindle
through 4/27
If you have an Amazon Kindle account, I'd be grateful if you would download the book during its free promotion. Downloads help boost the book on Amazon's rankings, making it more likely that new readers will discover it.
In honor of Shakespeare's birthday, (though this is definitely NOT Shakespeare's Faerie!) TIME AND TITHE is free for kindle from now through April 27th.

Welcome to the continuing war between overt and covert magic, where every choice has consequences. TIME AND TITHE, Changeling's Choice book 2: a modern take on the myths of Faerie.

While it's nominally the second book, each book of Changeling's Choice was designed to be able to be read as a standalone. (Consider one as sequel to the other or the other as prequel.)

"I won't offer any spoilers at all, but I'll just say that there are some great characters at play in this world -- great at being evil and great at being good, sometimes both in the same day. This is a story about politics, power, and intrigue, and at its heart are two teenage sisters trying to do their best."

"Help comes from some of the most unperceived areas in this stay-up-all-night-reading story. The twists and turns in this story will keep you enthralled until the very last word, and beyond."

"With a masterful twist, LJ Cohen brings her characters to life as the brightness that holds the darkness back. These tales are full of surprises, leaving the reader astounded that the author could create the second book from the first. There is nothing predictable about this series."

"Imaginary friends aren't always your friend and friends are sometimes your enemy. Your enemies are sometimes the allies you didn't know you needed."
Download the kindle version of TIME AND TITHE here.
And if you'd like to read it, but need it in another eBook format, please contact me and I will be happy to send you the epub.


Book 3 of my Halcyone Space science fiction series will debut in early June!
Cover concept sketch, Chris Howard, artist
This is Chris Howard's concept sketch for the cover, and introduces Dev, a new character to the series. She is a materials science student and her skills come in handy when she needs to sabotage a ship.
Stay tuned for the final cover, and information about ordering the book!

If you enjoy my work, I would very much appreciate it if you would recommend my writing to a friend, forward this newsletter, add one of my books to your Amazon wish list, or write a review.

Thank you!
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(This means you can share the newsletter and/or the story with a link back to, Lisa Janice (LJ) Cohen, but please do not place it for sale or change it.)
Past issues of Blue Musings archived here.