Blue Musings vol. 6, no. 5:  June 1, 2016
Dreadnought and Shuttle Edition

Blue Musings

from LJCohen & Once in a Blue Muse

Dreadnought And Shuttle

I am thrilled to announce that book 3 of Halcyone Space is available today!
Cover: Dreadnought and Shuttle

When a materials science student gets kidnapped, she's drawn into a conflict between the crew of a sentient spaceship, a weapons smuggling ring, and a Commonwealth-wide conspiracy and must escape before her usefulness as a hostage expires. 

Welcome back to the universe of Halcyone Space.

Dreadnought And Shuttle is available in print and all eBook formats.



  • Amazon (forthcoming)
  • Create Space (forthcoming)

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A Halcyone Space prequel story

"Treason's Course"

Please enjoy this short story that takes place about forty years before the events of DERELICT, book 1 of Halcyone Space. Before Emmaline Gutierrez became the feared Lieutenant Commander of Daedalus station, she was a young soldier, faced with a decision that would challenge everything she believes in and change the course of the rest of her life.

It is attached to this newsletter, as a pdf.

If you enjoy my work, I would very much appreciate it if you would recommend my writing to a friend, forward this newsletter, add one of my books to your Amazon wish list, or write a review.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(This means you can share the newsletter and/or the story with a link back to, Lisa Janice (LJ) Cohen, but please do not place it for sale or change it.)
Past issues of Blue Musings archived here.