LJ Cohen

Science Fiction. Fantasy. Assorted Weirdness.


Bluemusings: Multiverse Novel Draft Completed!

First Draft (finally) Complete

I started to write what would become a multiverse novel in November of 2018. Over the course of the rest of 2018 and all of 2019, I would get close to 30K deep in the story, realize it wasn't working, delete almost all of it, and start again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

The heart of it was always the concept of 'tikkun olam' which literally translated means repair of the world. Or in this story's case, repair of the broken people and broken places across the multiverse.

Nothing like tackling a small theme, right?

I really struggled with this one. In fact, across all the novel-length work I've completed (published and not), this was the hardest project I've written. Was it because of the theme? The world that was on fire in literal and figurative ways while I was writing? Then came 2020 and the isolation brought on by covid-19. And the longer the story took, the more I questioned my ability to get it written.

Regardless of the reason or reasons, this particular novel took longer than any other. And it filled me with more doubt and fear.

There is a lot of advice floating around in writing-land. Most of it emerges from a kind of survivor's bias: I did the thing, so this must be the way to do the thing. Some of it is just flat-out bad. Much should come with a warning label: YMMV.

Ultimately, my own stubbornness is what kept me hammering my head at the wall of the story. Even as I look back at chunks of time where I didn't open the file, or worse, ones where the wordcount kept *decreasing*, I can see a progression of my own process that mirrored what my characters were going through.

Regardless of if/how this book gets published, I am happy with the bones of the story. Now the true work begins.

Stay tuned.

Happy Book Birthday to Randee Dawn and her debut: Tune In Tomorrow
Isn't this cover amazing??

One of my favorite people in the writing world is celebrating her debut novel and I couldn't be happier for her! I've known Randee for almost a decade. We met through Broad Universe at one of the Boston area SF&F cons and immediately bonded.

We were at a writing retreat together a few years ago - I think at StarField Farm - when she read an excerpt of a first draft of this weird and delightful story about an aspiring actress working on a show for a Fae audience.

Many years and revisions later, TUNE IN TOMORROW is here! And it is even more delightful and weird and wonderful than ever.

I was lucky enough to beta read the novel and I can absolutely say it deserves all the amazing reviews it has gotten.

"Dawn balances over-the-top drama and comedy with genuine intrigue to create a fun story with plenty of heart. Fans of Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett will want to snatch this up." – Publishers Weekly

"Tune in Tomorrow is a hilariously well-constructed story with surprising complexity, and one that uses its reality TV premise not as a destination, but as a jumping off point to create something uniquely interesting that stays entertaining the entire way through." – Lightspeed Magazine

"Dawn’s witty take on society’s fascination with peering at life through a camera lens spotlights the sometimes-blurred intersection between fantasy and reality, all captured on video. Her playful narrative propels readers into the realm of alternate possibilities while questioning what is real and what is make-believe, and if we can even tell the difference." – BookTrib

Go get this one and treat yourself to a gem of a novel filled with heart and humor.

Column of Twos, Holding Hands

In case you hadn't seen it, I recently wrote a post for my favorite writing site on the internet - Writer Unboxed - which talked about the support network I created during the pandemic and how the folks in it helped me reach the finish line of the multiverse novel.

I still vividly remember how we moved through the halls of our Elementary School for fire drills. In the back of my mind, I can hear the teachers reminding us: “Column of twos, holding hands,” as we marched outside to our class muster stations to wait for the all clear.

Because of the pandemic and the distance it placed between us, I needed to find a way to create a new kind of buddy system. One that was more personal than the larger writer gatherings that were happening on social media and video chat. One that would provide emotional support and motivation without guilt. One that was built on mutuality and trust.

Read more here:  Column of Twos, Holding Hands


I love to hear from readers! Let me know what you're reading and recommending or if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in future newsletters. 


LJ (lisa@ljcohen.net)