LJ Cohen

Science Fiction. Fantasy. Assorted Weirdness.


Bluemusings: Revision Redux

Revision Redux

When I sat down to compose this newsletter, I was a bit abashed to discover that it's been 6 months since I sent one out. Part of my absence was dealing with several (good!) changes in my personal/family life, part was being involved in several local political issues, and most was not wanting to send out something unless I had progress to report.

I am thrilled to say I have completed the second revision round of the (still untitled) multiverse novel.

I was joking with some writer friends that I was going to call it The Book That Nearly Broke Me. Because I really struggled working on and completing this story. There were times in its long process that I had seriously considered giving up. Not just on this book, but on writing in general. I had feared that I had taken on more than I was capable of. Or that I had already said anything that I had to say in my other novels.

Ultimately, my innate stubbornness and need for completion kicked in and with a little (actually a lot) of help from my friends, I did finish the book and did discover I still have much to say and to write.

Thank you to my initial beta readers who offered their generous feedback.

Book Talk

I was invited by Selina Lovett of Annie's Book Stop of Worcester to be interviewed for their youtube channel.

Earlier this week, we had a lovely and far ranging conversation about writing, creativity, the book that nearly broke me, and balancing life as a writer.

Selina kept the conversation flowing with cogent questions and the hour flew by in a flash.

LJ looking serious
LJ looking serious at the start of the conversation

You can watch and listen to the conversation here.

A pitch for Annie's Book Stop. It's a rare thing to have a local independent bookstore and rarer still for one as author-centric and supportive as Annie's. If you're in the greater Worcester area, please do stop by!

What's next?

Coming up with a title for the novel is job one. I've already started the pre-writing work of the sequel.

As part of my renewed focus on self-care as a creative, I've pulled back quite a lot from social media and stopped participating at all on Twitter. Most of what I do post is about the farm, my pottery, food, knitting/crochet work, and the dogs. I can also be found on Mastadon @lj@weirder.earth.

I'm also busy with the upcoming growing season on our farm as well as working on new pottery. Look for me in July at Readercon.


I love to hear from readers! Let me know what you're reading and recommending or if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in future newsletters. 


LJ (lisa@ljcohen.net)