LJ Cohen

Science Fiction. Fantasy. Assorted Weirdness.


Bluemusings: The Halfway Point


Writing Progress


A look behind the curtain at my current novel in progress

After spending time digging in to each of the three main storylines of my multiverse novel in progress, I figured out a major problem that was holding me back: I had gotten the timing wrong. The storylines all need to converge at a particular point in the narrative and I had one storyline happening too quickly and one happening too slowly. Ultimately, it meant adding scenes and shifting others.

Yesterday, I finished the draft of what I knew was a pivotal scene and one that had been difficult to pick my way through. I'm happy with how it turned out and I'm at about the halfway mark in the story.

If you're curious about the software I'm using, it's called yWriter and it's available free for all platforms. Since I write in 2 places with 2 different laptops, the file lives in dropbox and I can access a current version regardless of where I am - at my home or at StarField Farm.


Boskone Schedule


Boskone 59 is this coming weekend - February 18 - 20, 2022 in Boston, MA. This year it is a hybrid convention and has a significant online presence in addition to the in-person componants.

I am thrilled to be a part of Boskone again - one of my favorite cons - and my schedule is in the image above. You can also find me here.  In addition to the panels, I will also be part of the Broad Universe reading taking place at 10 pm, also on Feb 19th.


Self Published Science Fiction Contest Update


The SPSFC Semi-Finalists

While DERELICT didn't advance from the quarterfinal round, I am happy to note that ZERO DAY THREAT by RM Olsen did! I was RM's mentor in the SFWA mentorship program a few years ago and I couldn't be more pleased! (And the book is a SciFi heist - pretty much my kryptonite!)

Please do take a look at all the entries in this contest - there's a lot of great scifi to read. And you can filter by contest status.


I love to hear from readers! Let me know what you're reading and recommending or if you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see in future newsletters. 


LJ (lisa@ljcohen.net)